Welcome to unfortunate.fun: A Haven of Dark Humor and Unfortune Cookies

unfortunate.fun is not your typical website. Here, we specialize in dishing out dark jokes and roast-yourself challenges, served with a side of laughter. Born from a quirky idea among friends, we envisioned a digital twist to the traditional fortune cookie — thus, unfortunate.fun was born.

A Tale of AI-Generated Unfortunes

Each tale you find here is crafted by artificial intelligence, not in real-time (to keep our costs from skyrocketing!). We've skipped the reCAPTCHA to keep your experience smooth and uninterrupted, focusing solely on delivering those clingy, dark jokes that keep you coming back for more.

Simplicity is Key

At unfortunate.fun, we cherish the simplicity of a single-page experience. It's a place to visit, get your dose of humor, and return when you need another laugh. Thanks to the suggestions from many of you, our concept has evolved, but our core — a collection of witty, AI-generated unfortunes — remains unchanged.

Future Endeavors and Community Support

Looking ahead, we might explore new projects, potentially inspired by your ideas. If you find joy in our unique blend of humor, share it around! Help us spread the word and see how far unfortunate.fun can go in the world of unfortune cookies, dark jokes, and self-roast entertainment.